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Join our Management Essentials programme


New and existing managers can now book on to OD&PL’s Management Essentials programme. Sessions cover a variety of topics designed to equip you with the tools needed to effectively manage your team, as well as understand the processes and responsibilities you have at the University. The programme runs in blocks throughout the academic year, with...

Attend the 2021 Researcher Education and Development Scholarship (REDS) Conference


Bookings are open for the 7th annual Researcher Education and Development Scholarship (REDS) online conference, hosted by the University of Leeds on Thursday 14 October. The conference will explore how inclusive research cultures can be developed and includes the keynote presentation 'Imagining a possible inclusive future for researchers' by Dr Jessica Gagnon (University of Strathclyde)....

Enhance your Student Education Practice Pilot Course


Applications are open for a new pilot course from OD&PL, aimed at early and mid-career academic teaching staff - especially Teaching Fellows. The Enhance your Student Education Practice course takes place over six workshops and aims to provide you with the tools and skills to plan, evaluate and enhance your teaching and scholarship practice. In the...

Support for staff delivering teaching using Live Streaming


OD&PL are working in consultation with Facilities Support Services to offer colleagues who will be using Live Streaming in teaching spaces two different training experiences to suit their needs. Around 90 teaching rooms will be equipped with live streaming capability across campus from September 2021. The Digital Education Systems website has guidance and FAQs to...

PebblePad Training Sessions


A variety of dates for PebblePad online training sessions are being released to support staff who would like to learn how to use our ePortfolio to create innovative and reflective teaching and learning materials for their students and showcase portfolios for themselves. The sessions will cover a range of topics from basic to advanced for all staff.  The University...

Building Impact Momentum (September - December)


The Building Impact Momentum programme takes participants through a process that starts with their initial research ideas and helps them to develop concrete ideas for impact and activities to achieve it. These could be applied within their current research project or written into a potential grant application. The next programme will run from September to...