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LinkedIn events in February and March


LinkedIn is providing a series of events to help you get the most out of your LinkedIn profile and the LinkedIn Learning platform, which all students and staff at Leeds get free access to. You can find out more about accessing LinkedIn Learning in our introduction guide. Rock your LinkedIn profile Take a step to...

Join one of our leadership development programmes in 2022


Further dates of OD&PL’s leadership development programmes are now available to apply for in 2022.  The programmes (Discovering your Leadership, Establishing your Leadership and Leading Transformational Change) have each been designed for colleagues at different stages of their journey, ranging from aspiring and new leaders to those more established in their roles who are responsible...

Bookings for our next Management Essentials programme are open (January - February 2022)


New and existing managers can now book on to the next Management Essentials programme. Sessions cover a variety of topics designed to equip you with the tools needed to effectively manage your team, as well as understand the processes and responsibilities you have at the University. The programme runs in blocks throughout the academic year, with...

UK Disability History Month 2021


UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) is an annual event focusing on the history of disabled people’s fight for equality and human rights - this year it runs from Thursday 18 November - Saturday 18 December. The themes this year are Disability and Hidden Impairment and Disability Sex and Relationships.  To launch the awareness month, UKDHM...

Apply for the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship BSc - starting in January 2022


If you aspire to work in a management role or to develop your career as a manager, the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) could be your next step. The programme provides the knowledge and skills to become a confident manager and will explore the functional, operational and strategic aspects of management across five themed pathways:...

Apply for the Building Impact Momentum Programme (January-April 2022)


The Building Impact Momentum programme takes participants through a process that starts with their initial research ideas and helps them to develop concrete ideas for impact and activities to achieve it. These could be applied within their current research project or written into a potential grant application. It will be led by Dr Ged Hall (OD&PL), Dr Tony Bromley (OD&PL), Shauni Sanderson...

New Leadership Development Programmes launched for Semester 1 


OD&PL have launched three new programmes for semester 1 as part of our leadership development provision. The programmes sit next to our wider offering of current development opportunities, which you can find out more about on our OD&PL training and events page.  Each of the programmes are outlined below, and each has been designed for colleagues at different stages of their leadership journey.  Discovering...

Black History Month 2021


In celebration of Black History Month in the UK this October, OD&PL have highlighted a number of resources below including blogs, courses, videos and events looking at a variety of related themes. The aim is to promote knowledge, understanding and an awareness of Black History. It also provides an opportunity for people to learn more about...

Focus on Assessment and Feedback


To support the implementation of our curriculum redefined priorities for assessment and feedback, Professor Alice O'Grady (Dean for Student Education: Quality and Standards) is chairing a series of assessment and feedback matters webinars with invited external guest speakers, supported by OD&PL.    The way we think about assessment at Leeds is changing. The pandemic has given us an...