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OD&PL Training & Events Overview

The following sections provides a listed overview of upcoming events and deadlines, and resources. Alternatively, on the Staff Intranet you can view a full calendar of our upcoming events and programmes (requires University login).

Visit the OD&PL Programme & Events Calendar on the Staff Intranet

Grades 2-5 Development

The following opportunities have various dates available throughout 2024/25, unless otherwise specified. Event dates and deadlines are listed below.

Applications for the following are currently closed, future dates will be advertised on this page:


Relevant further support and resources can also be found in the all staff development section on this page.

Leadership Development

The following opportunities have various dates available throughout 2024/25, unless otherwise specified. Event dates and deadlines are listed below.

We run a series of Leadership Development Information Sessions which will introduce you to the following programmes, helping you to decide which best suits your needs.

Applications for the following are currently closed, future dates will be advertised on this page:

Additional support and resources:

Management Development

The following opportunities have various dates available throughout 2024/25, unless otherwise specified. Event dates and deadlines are listed below.

Applications for the following are currently closed, future dates will be advertised on this page:

Additional support and resources:

Technicians Development

Visit the Technicians Development webpage to find out more about:

  • Technicians Network
  • Technicians Commitment Action Plan
  • Professional Registration
  • Teaching and Supporting Students
  • Technical Skills and Research
  • Leadership and Career Development

FAQs: Finding OD&PL opportunities

How can I keep up-to-date with the latest development opportunities?

All staff eNews

We share all our development opportunities in the weekly all staff eNews, emailed to your inbox and available to view on the Staff Intranet.

Monthly development roundup articles:

Our monthly OD&PL development roundup articles are available on our external website and on the Staff Intranet. They are published around the start of the month.

Social media:

You can also follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @UniLeedsODPL

You can follow us on Viva Engage via the OD&PL News topic.


Can I see a calendar of OD&PL events and deadlines?

To explore an overview of upcoming OD&PL events and deadlines for programmes and schemes you can also visit the OD&PL SharePoint site on the Staff Intranet. On the intranet you view a full calendar of our upcoming events and programmes.

Does OD&PL have a site on the Staff Intranet?

Yes, we have an OD&PL SharePoint site on the Staff Intranet which is accessible to those with a University login. Our Staff Intranet site complements our external OD&PL websites by offering an overview of our services, along with the latest news and a calendar of events and deadlines.

How do I access the University Course Catalogue?

To book events and programmes, you may be directed to the University Course Catalogue.

Please note that not all OD&PL development opportunities are bookable via the catalogue so we recommend browsing our website or this page to see all current opportunities.

When on the catalogue you can:

  • Search for keywords for courses if you know the training you're looking for
  • Select a specific date range (leaving blank will return all future events)
  • Choose a catalogue using the drop-down list, first in the list is the OD&PL training and events catalogue (click to open the OD&PL course catalogue)
  • Once you have made a search, you can click the links to get further information or to add the event to your cart. To return to the previous page after clicking on an event using the 'Return to search results' button