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PebblePad Workshops and Events

On this page, you can find upcoming PebblePad workshops and events at the University of Leeds, as well as recordings of previous events. OD&PL also run on-demand interactive training sessions which can be found on the University Course Catalogue.

Workshop Series: Pedagogical Power of PebblePad

In this series of workshops, colleagues from across the University will share the innovative and interesting ways they have used PebblePad. You can also join our PebblePad Community of Practice to be notified when new dates are added. The community also provides a platform to ask questions, find tips and hints, share best practices, and stay informed about the latest news and events.

23 January 2025, 11am-12noon – Pedagogical Power of PebblePad workshop

This online workshop will feature two presentations:

  1. One way to use PebblePad: using PebblePad to provide pre-arrival information for students and a LUBS module. Presentation by Laura Pearson, International Business Division, Leeds University Business School.
  2. One way to use PebblePad: Using PebblePocket to capture student continuing professional development (CPD) according to the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) rules. Presentation by Dr Benjamin Chong.
Sign up for the 23 January workshop

20 February 2025, 11am-12noon – Pedagogical Power of PebblePad workshop

This online workshop will feature two presentations:

  1. One way to use PebblePad: Redefining English Studies in PebblePad. Presentation by Emily Bell, Lecturer, School of English, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures.
  2. One way to use PebblePad: Using PebblePad to signpost resources for personalised skills development. Presentation by Wendy Harrison, Faculty of Medicine and Health.
Sign up for the 20 February workshop

20 March 2025, 11am-12noon – Pedagogical Power of PebblePad workshop

This online workshop will feature two presentations:

  1. One way to use PebblePad: To support students on the LEAP (Leeds Excellence in the Arts) programme. Presentation by Tess Hornsby-Smith, Faculty Office of Arts, Humanities and Cultures.
  2. One way to use PebblePad: To support students on an MA Dissertation module in School of Languages, Cultures and Societies. Presentation by Leendert Plug, Lecturer, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures. 
Sign up for the 20 March workshop

10 April 2025, 11am-12noon – Pedagogical Power of PebblePad workshop

This online workshop will feature two presentations:

  1. One way to use PebblePad: Demonstrating the FMH Leadership Portal supporting Leadership and Management development in the Faculty. Presentation by Sue O’Leary-Hall, Leadership and Management Culture Project Manager, Faculty of Medicine and Health. 
  2. One way to use PebblePad: Supporting students on the Gateway to Medicine programme. Shelley Fielden, Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health.
Sign up for the 10 April workshop

22 May 2025, 11am-12noon – Pedagogical Power of PebblePad workshop

This online workshop will feature two presentations:

  1. One way to use PebblePad: Using a portfolio for staff CPD recording. Presentation by Ben Chong, Lecturer, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering.
  2. One way to use PebblePad: Using a Blog for assessment where students and the academic interact with one another in the blogs. Presentation by Buena Galleposa, Learning Technologist, FENV. 
Sign up for the 22 May workshop

View previous Pedagogical Power of PebblePad workshop recordings

One way to use PebblePad: as a digital portfolio for student assessment / in an online summer pre-sessional, 18 January 2024. Watch PebblePad Workshop: digital portfolio for student assessment and online summer pre-sessional

Sharing good practice through events

The following are examples of events, both internal and external, that we have presented at or been involved in with the aim of highlighting good practice from colleagues at Leeds. You can access a portfolio which has been created with information from both internal and external PebblePad events, highlighting good practice from Leeds colleagues.

Get involved – You can also join the PebblePad Community of Practice channel on MS Teams to get involved and share your practice and watch out for news of upcoming events. There'll be lots of opportunities to get involved, e.g. you can volunteer to deliver a workshop slot, present at the next PebbleShare and join the Digital Education Network (DEN).

PebbleBash: PebblePad’s international conference for education users – June 2024

PebbleBash took place in Edinburgh on 11-13 June 2024. The conference brought together the PebblePad community, sharing inspirational stories from across the globe and showcasing examples of wonderful work happening across institutions, primarily from higher education and the positive impact it has on students.

Watch the video summary of the conference

The team of colleagues from University of Leeds who presented at the conference was:

  • Professor Jeff Grabill, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Student Education, gave an inspiring keynote about the Curriculum Redefined transformation taking place at Leeds.
  • Patricia Quinn (Digital Practice Adviser, OD&PL) presented on how the University has used PebblePad to elevate pre-arrival engagement and students’ sense of belonging and readiness for academic life at Leeds. You can read more about this in a recently published case study on the PebblePad website.
  • Dr Sarah Copeland, Lecturer in Digital Education in the School of Healthcare gave two presentations, one on using a PebblePad Portfolio personally and the second using PebblePad in the School of Healthcare with students.
  • Dr Benjamin Chong, School of Electronic & Electrical Engineering presented on: Creating an Engaging Learning Environment for a Module using PebblePad. Watch Ben’s presentation.
  • Buena Jill Galleposo, Learning Technologist and Dr Harriet Thew, Lecturer, Faculty of EPS presented on using PebblePad in their MSC Climate Futures module.

PebbleShare - June 2024

PebbleShare was an internal event at Leeds which aimed to share good practice. It was held in June 2024 at the University. This was well attended with a variety of presentations from our academic colleagues on how PebblePad is being used in both teaching and learning and CPD. Further details can be found in this portfolio which has been created with information from both internal and external PebblePad events.

Digital Education Network (DEN) meeting - June 2024

PebblePad for Assessment was shared at the Digital Education Network (DEN) meeting on Microsoft Teams, which took place in June 2024. Examples were shared on how PebblePad can be used for both formative and summative assessment with students. Details of this event can also be found in the Portfolio link below.

Here is a portfolio which has been created with information from both internal and external PebblePad events, highlighting good practice from Leeds colleagues.

Webinars and event recordings


What is PebblePad and how it is being used at the University of Leeds?

Watch a webinar from 19 May about how PebblePad is used at Leeds (Opens in Stream)

Available to all members of staff, this webinar gave colleagues a chance to find out more about PebblePad, the learning journey platform and how it is being used at the University of Leeds to enhance the student learning experience. Presenters included: Paul Duvall (PebblePad Learning Consultant), Patricia Quinn (Digital Practice Adviser from OD&PL), Karen Abel (System Lead for PebblePad, DES).


In addition to the above sessions, you may also be interested to watch recordings of recent University of Leeds events about PebblePad:

  • SEC conference – Dr Ruth Payne presented at the SEC conference on 7 January 2022 about the pedagogical power of PebblePad. Watch the recording of the SNAP session. (Ruth is the last of the presenters in the recording and can be accessed at 45.41 minutes into the recording). 
  • SAAW (Share, Adopt, Adapt Workshop) – Alice Potter, Dr Helen Iball and Dr Joslin McKinney discuss the practical ways in which PebblePad can be used to aid and improve pedagogical practices. Watch the SAAW Workshop recording from 18 January 2022
  • Pedagogic Research in the Arts (PRiA) Workshop – Watch the PRiA workshop from 9 February 2022 to see how PebblePad has been used across the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Culture as a creative and useful tool to develop student learning and reflection. 

Enhance your digital capabilities

Digital learning and development iconDigital creation, problem solving and innovation.These events contribute to your digital capabilities development areas of digital learning and development / digital creation, problem solving and innovation / digital communication, collaboration and participation.

To find out more about developing your digital capabilities through workshops and self-directed activities, visit the Library website if you are a student, and the OD&PL website for staff