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Patricia Quinn

Digital Practice Advisor
Key areas of activity
I am responsible for supporting the development of effective practice in using ePortfolios in a range of contexts, including welcome-induction-transition activities, students’ reflective practice, experiential learning activities, skills development and CV building, social community building and use of the system for degree apprenticeships, professional degrees and personal tutoring. l work with the academic lead to coordinate a network of colleagues using ePortfolios to share practice and develop and show case exemplars. I also provide a range of training opportunities for academic and professional colleagues in the use and pedagogical practice of PebblePad from beginner to advanced level. I also develop university wide resources in PebblePad to support students and staff.
Enthusiasm, Interest, PebblePad, Scaffolding, Reflection, Resources, Training
Qualifications and Professional Body Memberships
Fellow of Institute of Leadership and Management (FInstLM), Certified Member of Association Learning Technology (CMALT), Fellow Higher Education Academy (FHEA)