The University-wide mentoring scheme is run by OD&PL and from May to September 2023 applications were closed to allow us to make some changes to the scheme which would enhance your experience further, as either a mentor or mentee. The scheme is available to all staff and you can apply to be a mentor and/or...
The next round of matching for our University-wide mentoring scheme will take place in November 2021.
Applications to the University-wide mentoring scheme are open to colleagues throughout the year, with matching taking place twice a year in May and November. In this article, we explore different types of mentoring relationships, and how each can benefit you.
The next round of matching for our University-wide mentoring scheme will take place in May 2021. The scheme is open to all University of Leeds staff regardless of job type or grade. Applications to be a mentor or mentee can be made any time with matching taking place twice a year in May and November....