OD&PL development roundup – December 2024

Welcome to our December 2024 roundup
With the new year around the corner, now is a perfect opportunity to reflect on your learning and development goals for 2025. In this issue, explore upcoming development opportunities and catch up on the latest news from OD&PL. Don't forget to check out our full calendar of events and programmes, as new opportunities are added regularly! You can also read this roundup on the Staff Intranet.
Looking ahead to January– Our January roundup will be released later in the month, following the Christmas University closure. For now, we’ve included details of many January sessions and events in this December edition, so you can plan ahead and see what’s coming up.
All staff
Blog | How coaching can reveal new insights
When Harriet Boatwright, one of our Organisational Learning Partners in OD&PL, was asked, “Have you noticed your dog doesn’t sniff?” she was caught off guard. Reflecting on Willow, her Fox Red Labrador, she realised this simple question from their trainer resonated with her coaching experiences. It highlighted how coaching can reveal what we often miss in ourselves, opening the door to new insights, greater self-awareness and a path forward.
📰 Read Harriet's blog to find out more
LinkedIn Learning
📅 Beginner's Guide to LinkedIn Learning – 5 December, 10-11am
Sign up for the next Beginner's Guide to LinkedIn Learning event to explore how the platform can enhance your personal and professional development. Our LinkedIn Learning expert will share top tips on using the platform’s many features for maximum impact. Can’t make it? An additional session is available on 20 March. You can also explore LinkedIn Learning further with our tailored guides:
- 📘 Staff Guide to LinkedIn Learning
- 📘 Student Guide to LinkedIn Learning
- 📘 Researcher Guide to LinkedIn Learning
▶️ Coming soon: Top courses of 2024
Get inspiration for what to watch in 2025 with our list of the top courses of this year. We'll share with you which LinkedIn Learning courses are the most popular at Leeds amongst our staff and students. Last year, the most popular courses of 2023 included training on Excel, SharePoint, project management, agile planning and diversity, inclusion and belonging. Check out next month's roundup to see what we've been watching in 2024!
Mentoring workshops and events
Visit our Mentoring Workshops and Events webpage to explore these upcoming development opportunities for mentors and mentees:
- 📅 4 December, 1.30-4pm (on campus) – Careers Workshop for Mentees. Who is it for? This session is for mentees within the University-wide mentoring scheme.
- 📅 5 December, 1-2pm (online) – Mentor Lunch and Learn Session: Reframing in mentoring. Who is it for? This session is available to all mentors - you don't need to be part of the University-wide mentoring scheme.
- 📅 21 January, 10am-12noon (on campus) – Mentoring Reflection and Next Steps for Mentees. This session is for mentees within the University-wide mentoring scheme who are reaching the end of their mentoring.
- 📅 22 January, 2-4pm (online) – Reflective Practice Workshop for Mentors. This session is available to all mentors - you don't need to be part of the University-wide mentoring scheme.
Developing self-awareness and self-management skills
There are still some places left on the following psychosocial resources suite of workshops, delivered by OD&PL and the Staff Counselling and Psychological Support Service:
- 📅 21 January, 1.30-3pm (on campus) – Working with change and uncertainty
- 📅 18 February, 2-4.30pm (on campus) – Exploring Neurodiversity
- 📅 7 May, 10-11.30am (on campus) – Working with change and uncertainty
- 📅 10 June, 2-4.30pm (on campus) – Exploring Neurodiversity
University welcome events for new staff
📅 18 December, 9-10.30am, 📅 10 February, 10-11.30am (Online)
New to Leeds? Sign up for upcoming welcome events for new staff to find out more about the University, meet new colleagues and explore the range of benefits, support and advice available.
Jisc Discovery Tool | Assess your digital capabilities
Want to improve your digital capabilities? The Jisc Discovery Tool lets you quickly assess your own digital capabilities and find resources and development opportunities to improve the areas identified in a short survey. The tool is available to all colleagues, and further guidance is available on the OD&PL website.
Introduction session 📅 5 February, 10-11am (online)
Join us for an online introduction session to explore what digital capabilities are and how you can use the Jisc Discovery Tool to reach your goals.
Grades 2-5
Next monthly development drop-in session for grades 2-5
📅 28 January, 10-12noon (drop-in anytime)
Our next monthly drop-in session at the Wellbeing Hub (formerly the LOGIK Centre) will take place on 28 January between 10am and 12noon. These drop-in events provide an opportunity to explore learning and development opportunities for colleagues in grades 2-5 roles. Managers and supervisors of staff in these roles are also welcome to attend to find out more about the support available. These events take place on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except when this falls on a University closed day, such as in December.
Fresh Steps Information Session
📅 10 December, 10-11am (online)
Register to attend an online information session for staff interested in Fresh Steps, the innovative personal and work development programme for colleagues. Ask questions about the content and experience how participants work together by engaging in Fresh Steps activities. Line managers are also welcome to attend to hear more about the benefits of the programme for their staff.
Leadership and management
New leadership development information sessions
Sign up for a new information session about our range of leadership development programmes, designed for leaders at different stages of their development. During the session, we will guide you through each programme, providing an overview of course content and objectives, details about the application process and guidance on who each programme is suitable for. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
Connected Leadership Programme
The Connected Leadership Programme is designed for established leaders seeking to explore leadership from the perspective of the individual, team and organisation. With a flexible structure, you can tailor your leadership development to meet your specific needs:
Core pathway: Next deadline ⏰ 5pm on 6 December– The core pathway is designed for experienced senior leaders, offering an intensive exploration of your leadership practice. Engage in a structured, in-depth exploration of core leadership practices, fostering greater self-awareness, enhancing strategic thinking, and improving your ability to inspire teams.
Specialist modules: Dates still available in January – Our specialist modules run throughout the year and are designed to develop specific skills and address key leadership challenges you’re facing. There are still spaces available on the following modules, starting in January:
- 📅 14 January – Leading and Managing Change
- 📅 21 January – Understanding Systems and Culture
- 📅 23 January – Leading and Developing Teams
Establishing your Leadership Programme
⏰ Two available cohorts, starting in March (online) and April (on campus).
Book your place on our next available Establishing your Leadership programme, designed for leaders who are just starting to find their feet in a new leadership role but still feel in transition. The programme features four modules focused on:
- developing your leadership
- building team effectiveness
- leading across the University
- navigating uncertainty.
Management Essentials Sessions – Available dates
We currently have available spaces for our Management Essentials sessions on the following dates. Visit our Management Essentials webpage to find out more and secure your place!
- 📅 Introduction to Management –18 June
- 📅 Sustainability: Role of the Manager –24 February, 20 June
- 📅 Health and Safety: Role of the Manager – 15 July
- 📅 SRDS Reviewer Training –22 January,11 February, 24 April, 12 May, 11 June
- 📅 Introduction to Recruitment –24 February, 28 April, 5 June
- 📅 Supporting Excellence –9 April, 18 June
- 📅 Using Psychological Perspectives to Manage Professional Relationships –24 June
- 📅 Having Difficult Conversations –24 April, 10 June
- 📅 Supporting Stress and Mental Health –25 March, 9 June
For colleagues working within student education, we have more details about our Leading in Student Education workshops in the following Student Education Development section of this roundup.
Researcher development and research culture
Research Culture Café: Open Forum with Professor Luke Windsor
📅 11 December, 10-11am (on campus). Refreshments from 9.30am.
Join us for the upcoming Research Culture Café Open Forum, which provides an opportunity to engage with Professor Luke Windsor, Research Leader and Dean of the Doctoral College. Luke will give a short 10-minute presentation about his roles and then will answer your pre-submitted questions. You can submit questions in advance of the Open Forum via Padlet around the following topics:
Opportunities and support for engagement for postdoctoral researchers in PGR supervision.
Leadership and positive work culture.
Sign up for the Open Forum on 11 December
Quest Programme | Development for postgraduate researchers (PGRs)
We are excited to announce new dates for our Quest Programme, opening for booking on 13 December. These workshops provide valuable opportunities for PGRs to engage in discussions, share insights, and learn collaboratively. Upcoming sessions include:
- 📅 28 January, 1.30-4pm (on campus) – Developing Good Supervisor Relationships
- 📅 6 February, 2-4pm (on campus) – Research Culture for PGRs
- 📅 11 February and 19 March, 10am-4pm (on campus) – Exploring Leadership for PGRs
- 📅 27 February, 10am-12.30pm (online) – Developing Good Supervisor Relationships
- 📅 6 March, 10am-12.30pm and 20 March, 1-3pm (online) – What does Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) mean to me?
- 📅 18 March, 2-4pm (online) – Research Culture for PGRs
- 📅 27 March, 2-4pm (on campus) – Your Viva
Find out more and sign up via the Quest webpage.
BOOST Programme | Career development for researchers
Our BOOST Programme is full of opportunities over December and January, to help you build the skills and confidence needed to advance your career. Here's what's coming up:
- 📅 4 December, 10am-12noon (online) – Translating Your CV for Other Industries
- 📅 10 December, 10am-12noon (on campus) – Imposter Mindset
- 📅 10 December, 12.30-1.30pm (on campus) – Narrative CV (R4RI) Drop-in
- 📅 16 December, 1-3pm (on campus) – Career Conversations for Research Leaders
- 📅 16 January, 12-2pm (on campus) – Communicating with Different Audiences: Value Proposition and the Elevator Pitch
- 📅 21 January, 10.30am-12.30pm (online) – Managing Failure: Turning Setbacks into Success
- 📅 21 January, 1.30-2.30pm (online) – Narrative CV (R4RI) Drop-in
Find out more and sign up via the BOOST webpage.
Thesis Writer Workshops
We have two Thesis Writer workshops taking place in December, designed to help PGRs with their academic writing. Suitable for PGRs from any discipline, the series covers academic writing development and has an emphasis on developing the writer’s authority and voice.
📅 5 December, 9.30am-12.30pm (On campus) – The Developing Thesis Writer
Who is it for? Suitable for PGRs who are post-Transfer/mid-way through their doctoral studies. This would be equivalent to the second year of a full-time PhD.
📅 12 December, 9.30am-12.30pm (On campus) – The Finishing Thesis Writer
Who is it for? Suitable for PGRs who are in the process of (re)drafting their thesis for submission. This would be equivalent to the third or subsequent year of a full-time PhD.
The Beginning Thesis Writer workshoptook place on 28 November, however you can register for our waiting list by emailing researcherdev@leeds.ac.uk. This session is suitable for PGRs from any discipline who are in the first year of a full-time PhD (or the part-time equivalent, pre-Transfer).
White Rose University Consortium webinar
Colleagues are invited to register for this upcoming information session hosted by the White Rose University Consortium, a strategic partnership between the universities of Leeds, Sheffield, and York:
📅 5 December, 9.30-10.30am (Online) – Information session on the Crucible Programme
Join Samantha Aspinall, Head of Interdisciplinary Research Development, Horizon’s Institute, for an engaging webinar on the White Rose Crucible Programme, a distinctive leadership initiative tailored for independently funded fellows and lecturers within three years of their appointment. This programme fosters innovative thinking and working methods, uniting 24 competitively selected future research leaders from the White Rose partner universities (Leeds, Sheffield, and York). In this webinar, Samantha will delve into the programme’s structure, key benefits, and expectations. Sign up for the White Rose Crucible Programme Information Session.
Research Culture Uncovered Podcast
🎧 Have you listened to our latest episodes? In November, we released three new episodes of the Research Culture Uncovered podcast, available for you to listen to now:
The Role of Podcasting in Research Culture and Communications
The Power of Community: Navigating Research Impact with the ‘Impact Clinic’
Student education development
Principal Fellowship Case Studies
If you’re considering applying for Principal Fellowship, our Principal Fellows case studies page offers valuable insights from some of our colleagues who have achieved it.
The case studies provide an introduction to their roles, their application journeys, the benefits they’ve gained, and their tips for the application. These examples are helpful for anyone thinking about taking this step in their professional development.
Foundations in Teaching | Developing in Teaching sessions
Join us for a series of Developing in Teaching sessions, designed to support your growth in specific areas of student education. These four sessions are available for colleagues who have completed our online self-paced Foundations in Teaching (FiT) course, which provides essential guidance for those new to the teaching. The sessions next run on the following dates:
- 📅 5 December, 11am-12.30pm (online) – Let's talk about delivering your teaching
- 📅 12 December, 10-11.30am (online) – Assessment and marking
- 📅 7 January, 10-11.30am (online) – Effective feedback
- 📅 14 March, 10-11.30am (online) – Planning and designing teaching sessions
Academic personal tutoring
Sign up for these upcoming development opportunities for academic personal tutors:
- 📅 2 December, 2-3pm (hybrid) – The Plus Programme for APTs
- 📅 22 January, 1-4.30pm (on campus) – Understanding mature students
- 📅 30 January, 10-11.30am (hybrid) – Developing positive connections with your personal tutees in 2024/25
Additional sessions running between February and April are also available to book on the APT development opportunities webpage, which also has information about a series of online courses and resources from UKAT (United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring Association).
Build your Scholarship Practice | December Reading Group
Book your place on the upcoming reading groups as part of the Build your Scholarship Practice (BYSP) programme. The reading groups provide a cross-disciplinary forum for exploring the connections between the transformational vision of Curriculum Redefined, the University’s strategic pedagogic themes and the evidence base in educational literature.
📅 12 December, 3-4pm (Online) – Creating brave, safe and inclusive spaces through staff-student partnerships
Building on the discussion in the last group about genuine staff-student partnerships, this session will explore how staff-student partnerships can be instrumental in creating classroom spaces in which the lived realities of power differentials and disagreements can be addressed, and culturally inclusive learning cultures can be fostered. Find out more and sign up for the December BYSP reading group.
Leading in Student Education Development
The next set of workshops as part of our Leading in Student Education Development programme will run in February, with additional sessions in June. The workshops are designed for colleagues in leadership roles within student education and are organised into three themes:
- 📅 12 February, 10am-12noon (online) – Understanding the system
- 📅 26 February, 10am-12noon (online) – Influencing others and building consensus
- 📅 6 March, 10am-12noon (online) – Creating presence and authenticity in your leadership
TIPS Blog | Read the latest blogs
📰 Impact of Industrial Visit Activities in Enhancing Chemical Engineering Student Education – Written by Dr Eric Danso-Boateng, this blog delves into how his students have gained essential employability skills through on-site activities at an industrial process plant. He also explains how others may benefit from undertaking similar hands-on work, and how this approach has enabled students to be better equipped for the world of work.
Submit your idea for the TIPS Blog:
Do you have examples of everyday practice to share, have you considered writing for the TIPS Blog? Please email us at academicdev@leeds.ac.uk if you've got an idea for a blog or would like any more information.
Join the TIPS Community:
Join the TIPS Community on MS Teams to find peer support, advice and ideas for your teaching practice. The community is a collaborative learning space for all teaching-related staff at Leeds.
Got a question? If you have any questions about our development opportunities or news, please get in touch with us at peopledev@leeds.ac.uk.
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